Local Delivery

Click on the Shop page and purchase a box of beef from our current selection. Use code LOCAL20 to take 20% off the price.


Customize your own box of beef. Here's how-

1. Choose from the list of beef cuts we have available.

New York Strip-$12
1 lb package of ground beef-$5
1/3 lb beef patties (3 in package)-$6
1 lb steak strips-$7
Chuck Roast (3-3 1/2 lbs in size)-Request price
Brisket-Request price

2. Email your order to krystal@sumnerpointbeef.com for costs, questions, or to place an order.

3. An online invoice will be sent to you for payment. 

4. Expect delivery on the following Tuesday after your invoice has been paid.

Questions? Email Krystal at krystal@sumnerpointbeef.com.

Expect delivery on Tuesdays if you are located 30 miles from Monmouth or Aledo, Illinois. Only available in these areas!

Interested in more than just a box? Email Krystal to ask about quarters and halves!